View on kindlefire

ALL WRONG INFO HERER!!!!!!   View your Against The Clock eBook on Kindle Fire

To view your eBook, you will need an Adobe ID, and a DRM PDF Reader.

  1. Click below to Create your new Adobe ID (if you do not already have one).
    Click Here - I Need an Adobe ID?
  2. If you already have Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) installed on your computer, skip to #5 below.
  3. Download Adobe Digital Editions using the links below.
    Download Digital Editions Macintosh
    Download Digital Editions Windows
  4. Install Adobe Digital Editions on the computer where you want to use your eBook.
  5. Launch Adobe Digital Editions.
  6. Make sure you are in Library view.
  7. From the Help Menu, choose Authorize Computer. If the application is already authorized to your Adobe ID, the Authorization process may have already been completed.
    *** Important note: if you do not authorize the application to your Adobe ID up front (now), you will not be able to use the eBook on more than one device.
  8. Return to your "My Account & Files" page (on our ATC Site), specifically to the Download My eBooks(s) Block. Choose your eBook and Click the link to download the ebook file. Clicking this link will download a file called "URLLink.acsm" which will be used to add your eBook into your Adobe Digital Editions library. Note this file is small and will download in just a few seocnds.
  9. Now, from your Downloads Folder, locate and double-click the URLLink.acsm file to begin the download process and add your eBook into your library. Note that these books are large in size; it can take several minutes to download each book in its entirety.
  10. Your eBook is now in your Library and ready to read.